About Me

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My name is Jessica Ullman and I was born and raised in Philadelphia. I now study sustainable energy management at Unity College in Unity, Maine. Growing up in a huge city I always saw trash on the streets. My father would frequently pick up the trash that was on our block which taught me a great life lesson which is to protect the Earth. He is not with me today and so I want to honor his memory and bring sustainability methods to my hometown. When I came to Maine I realized how much cleaner it is. When I went to the cafeteria I saw that they have a composting center. I have never seen one before and I thought it was like the most amazing thing in the world. The school also recycles a huge amount. Back home growing up I loved how my family has always recycled. There is so much that needs to be done in the city of Philadelphia about the lack of their recycling and composting laws. Recycling and composting should be enforced and there are numerous ways in how this can be done. Recycling and composting is so important for climate change and so it is necessary for all Philadelphians to be informed and take proper actions.


Many Philadelphians ride public transportation everyday to get to work or school. If we put infographics on buses and trains that support recycling and composting more people are going to know about those topics. They are more willing to look at them because they cannot leave. They have to sit there and basically look at the poster. They would need to be eye-catching, but still informative. In AP Environmental Science we made infographics for SEPTA about their transpasses. It worked pretty well, and many of the posters we made went into their buses, trains, and trolleys. They talked about the lifecycle of transpasses and how they are not recyclable. People do not know that much about recycling and composting, and so this is a great way for them to be informed. If they realize the importance of them, more people would support having laws that make them mandatory. It will also help make them more sustainable and care about other environmental issues. These are some examples I found online that are great starts:

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